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Inside the Circle

our values, words on rocks

If you read my "About" page or noticed the tag line "Founded on Judaeo-Christian values and Patriotic traditions",

you might think we aren't a good fit because you aren't "religious".

Or you could wonder if my radical faith will spoil your experience.

We all try to avoid those who make us uncomfortable and we like to work with people who understand us.

I get that.

Respecting our differences and celebrating the unique things we share can be the start of a wonderful working relationship.

So here's the inside scoop, because how we do our best work for you grows out of the Circle Celebrations moral code:

In the beginning, God - our understanding of who God is and our relationship with Him is the basis for all our actions. It sets the compass for our life journey: what we do and why we do it.

  • He loves us and wants a relationship with us.

  • He set boundaries for our relationship with Him

  • We will be truly fulfilled when we discover the purpose He has for our lives.

Does that mean I will talk about God all the time? No

Will I try to convince you to change your thinking? Not at all

Will what I believe determine what services I offer you? Absolutely

Does my moral code affect the way I do business? Without a doubt.

Do I hope we can work together? Oh, yes!

I'd love to use my God-given talents and skills help you to have the best possible celebration. That is why Circle Celebrations exists.

For more information, you can email me:


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