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De-stressing Wedding Planning

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the wedding day details that seem to be piling up? Do you have someone telling you what you should be doing - or trying to help when you wish they would disappear?

Stress, from organizing details or dealing with difficult relationships, seems to intensify during the wedding planning process. You may feel that you have too little time and money and too much unwanted advice. Maybe your choices are being challenged as well. It's enough to make a person want to elope!

I hope you are surrounded by really supportive people and that you and your dearest are able to work together on the epic project of your wedding celebration. There will be some bumps along the way, but over all this can be an exciting time.

Here are some tips to de-stress, if you have more than a few moments when you feel like just running away.

  1. Think about the big picture. Your goal is to marry the love of your life surrounded by the people that mean the most to you. Your wedding day is an opportunity to make some memories together.

  2. While the color of the napkins or the design of the seating chart may seem like a big deal, what really matters? Probably you are going to all the trouble so that your guests will have a good time. Remember, they are coming because they want to share your happiness. They will notice if you enjoy their company and you have a fantastic time.

  3. If all the choices you need to make seem overwhelming

  • break the process down into smaller pieces and/or delegate

  • decide what things can be left undone

  • get help from family, trusted friends (bridesmaids) or a professional

  • take some time off so you can come back with a fresh perspective

Need more help? Contact me: Circle Celebrations and Events

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